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We are artists.

We have a say, a place to settle.


Through Video Performance
For artistic freedom,
for the recognition as having an artistic status,
because we're also visual artists. 


Through the video

as we embody to your imagination,

as we create interdisciplinary content;

as our imagination is our only limit.


Through performance

as we also act,

to the audience and crowd,

onto surfaces or screens,

these are our stages,

in all kinds of shows,

live and often real time,

as we broadcast messages.


For dignity

as we don't have a contract of employment,

so contracts weren't cancelled.

Because our lives depend on our work, too,

lives that haven't been cancelled,

because we too exist.


Through the message

we can give voice, light, image, sound to your words,

words you feel,

because there are so many of us,

and we're together.




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